My Apologies, Phil

I can admit when I am wrong, as rare as it may be, I too, am human and make mistakes. If you would have asked me on Wednesday as I was shoveling 9" of snow off the driveway, if we were going to be running the streets of Woodstock with 63 degree weather four days later, I would have said not a chance. However, six weeks to the exact day, Punxsutawney Phil did in fact predict that warm temps were near. My most sincere apologies for thinking that you were just another hideous varmint that tries to see how many lives you truly have by running across roads at night just to see if you can get to the other side. You are a true Meteorologist, and a pretty darn good one at that!

As we got home, we quickly changed clothes and took off for an afternoon of exploring.

At the ages of 4 1/2 and 6 1/2 this shot perfectly depicts our lives. Tripp, 6 years old going on 12 always an observer. Taking in everything in his surroundings. Baxter, 4, but still comfortable knowing that he is my "baby" and as you can see in the shadow, still not ready to let go quite yet. Still holding on to momma's leg but at the same time, reaching, stretching his arm as high as he can to be as high as his bro's.

As we were leaving the park, I heard, "Amy! Boys! Amy!  Boys!" Aunt Joanne & Uncle Marshall were in town visiting Great Granddaddy and stopped by our house. When they saw the car there, but not us, they knew we must have been nearby. Sure enough, it wasn't hard to find us.

As I close up another great weekend in the lives of the Paynter Family, I end this post with a picture of the sunset at 7 pm after our traditional Sunday night dinner with Ahma & Grandaddy. Today, I am thankful for amazing family & friends, spontaneity, spring like weather, and of course, Daylight savings time!


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