Don't Ignore the Warning Signs

Have you ever missed something that is right in front of your face?

Let me explain, almost two years ago I was introduced to Glennon through her post, "Don't Carpe Diem" in which I used to carry around copies of this post for other parents that could use some priceless parenting advice. In the past two years I have found myself going back to the article as a quick reminder.

Just like Glennon, from the time that I was seen with Tripp perfect and snug in the Ergo, always in a carrier, I too had the sweet little ladies coming up to me saying, "Enjoy these days, he'll be going to college before you know it." Yea, yea, yea I know, I know. But it's happened. Not the college part, but the growing up part. I almost have a five and seven year old. I swear that I was just reading the book, Happiest Baby on the Block, listening to Baby Einstein videos, pureeing avocado and swaddling them. Without my permission they have become young men.

Recently I have found myself "missing" Tripp  and Baxter. I will go into a customers office and someone will ask, "How are the boys?" "Do you have recent pictures?" "What are they into these days?" Of course I have a million pictures on my phone and my face apparently glows when I scroll through the picture roll of their happy faces and beautiful grins. But the pictures are silent and still. They don't show the second that they get in the car, one of them accidently steps on another foot and then the fighting instantly begins. The pictures don't show the disgusting grimace on one of their faces when they don't like what I have placed at their seat at the dinner table and I have to hear, "I don't like __________." The pictures don't show the overflowing toilet because a certain 4 year old has put too much toilet paper in the toilet and is constantly trying to flush it to fix it so momma doesn't find out while making dinner and then when I realize he's been gone too long and go to clean up the mess, I burn to a crisp whatever it is that I was making for dinner and then I have to load them up in the car to go through a drive thru window. Yes, we are human and even though our pictures are pretty and "like"able on Facebook, the video would show that it's not always so pretty.

I was so thankful for today's rain that allowed for soccer practice to be cancelled. Maybe Tripp and Baxter didn't need to reconnect with me, but Lord did I ever need to reconnect with them. Going through the motions of day to day events, checking off the box of the ever growing To-Do Lists, I needed to find out what was going on in the K5 class and 2nd grade. I wanted the gossip. I wanted the drama of a soon to be five and seven year old. Tell me about the student that got sent to Dr. Fauvier's office because he disobeyed Mrs. Knuckols. And did I ever get it!!

Practice was cancelled and we were making reservations!

In his almost seven years of life, I have never seen Tripp consume as much food in one week as he did in tonight's dinner. I promised from the time the door opened that he could get dessert if he ate all of his dinner and he ate the appetizer, to all of his dinner, and then with three spoons to share dessert, he ate every single solitary bite! Can someone say, growth spurt?
When we got home, quick showers for the boys while I closed up shop. While they were brushing their teeth, I got the "Can we sleep with you?" Why not? They were out within minutes and I sat next to them getting some work done. It was better than any photo of looking at them without the words coming out. It was silent, all except for their tiny motors, but it was in the flesh. One day in the not so distant future, their growthspurts won't allow for the three of us to snuggle up in momma's bed on Thursday night date night, nor will their silly boyish pride allow it either. So for now, today, kairos...


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