Not your Average Monday Morning

It's no secret that the Paynter trio is constantly chasing the high flying hot air balloons that greet us in the morning and evening as we are coming and going. 

Moving to Charlottesville I was afraid that we would miss the daily sightings that we saw in Woodstock. Boy was I mistaken. We see them now more and closer than before. 

This morning as the boys were still in dreamland I looked out the window to see one balloon outside the living room window. Fast forward an hour later as we loaded up the car for work and school there were two balloons landing in our neighborhood village greens. I looked at the clock, looked at them and said, "Wanna chase 'em?" As if there was any other answer except for the screams of a "YYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!" We turned right instead of left and what you see next is the adventure of a Monday morning with the Paynter family...

Three hours later my heart is still racing with adrenaline. These are the moments I live for. 


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