Super Seven

To my fearless, fun-loving son who turns seven today.

Seven years ago today, you were placed in my arms and when I saw you for the very first time, I fell madly in love and that love is still as strong as it was at 10:15 on October 17, 2006.

Despite my best efforts and house rule of “No Growing Up” you are doing just that. You started to grow wings at nine months and nine days when you started walking, but now you are using those wings to take flight. I’m so proud of the young man that you have become. 

The firstborn, the rule breaker, so ever determined, first in line to try anything new, so tough on yourself, and creative. 

When I watch you, it Is as if I am watching myself. We are so much alike. And because of that, we butt heads, you and I. All the time. I hate it when we do, and I’m working on my end – so be patient. I’ll get there. But please don't get me wrong. I am and will always be your greatest fan in this life's journey. Because you are like me, you are going to be stubborn and persistent and show me and the world that YES YOU CAN! 

In terms of your activities, you continue to enjoy "ing." Meaning you are a mover and a shaker. Biking, building, writing, drawing, dancing, singing, and any and everything to get you outside. I love your creativity, your music, your singing all around the house, your drawings and most recently a paper appeared on the fridge about a fox going ring, ring, ring. I also love that all of your enthusiasm has remained on paper, and not on my walls or furniture. (And, of course, that you would never consider it, since you know it’s not allowed.)

You terrify me when you measure yourself against me and announce “when I’m ten, I’ll be as tall as you”. Or, “Mommy, when you are 50 I will be 25. This pleases you greatly and saddens me immensely. If you are as tall as me, you won’t be my little man. I’m not ready for that, so be kind to your momma.

For the first two years of your life we did everything together, you and I! We had fun together, you and I. And when your brother came along five days after you turned two, you had to learn to share me, which was tough because he seemed (seems) to need Momma so much and makes you think you need fight for my attention. You don’t need to worry about that, buddy. You’re both my favorites, and I’ve vowed that this year, you and me...We’re going to take more time out to do things together, just the two of us. Maybe even go to the movies. Can you imagine? Two perpetually motion me and mini me in a movie? Let's take to a court for a little one on one. That's more up our alley. 

I’ve been watching you closely lately. This 7th year of your life has been a beautiful one, but one that has allowed me to glimpse the beginning of a journey. I can see a little bit of the young man you will be. 

Your manners. Your chivalry. The way you hold the door for me in the morning as I'm carrying the fifty things in my arms and remind me my coffee is ready and waiting to take me from dropping you two off till I see you again in the gym showing me your talents in after school care. How I would love to see you sitt"ing" read"ing" your homework during after school time, but I know where your head and heart is, with a ball in hand or at the tip of your foot. 

Remember last night when I told you that I wasn’t going to allow you to turn seven? When I got home from celebrating a friends birthday, I did as I do every night and checked on you and Bax one last time before I crawled. There you two were. Asleep. Innocent. So content. “And she breathed.” To have not been blessed with one, yet two amazing boys who have formed a lifetime friendship and our best friends. Who choose nightly to sleep together and leave one bed for the stuffed animals. To listen to you read stories even after I say "lights out" I smile in my room listening to the conversations that you two have!

You may be seven officially now. But to me, I will never, EVER, forget the very first time I heard your cry. Will never, could never forget the first time I saw you. My GOD did I love you and promised you at that very second, tears rolling down my cheeks, that I would do everything in my power, on my life here on earth, that I would protect you, love you, and do everything in the world to give you the world in return. Because that is exactly what you gave to me...the world in a 6 lb 13 ounce package!!

Some of my favorite pictures of you over this seven year journey.

The cake you took to school to share with your classmates and promised to take a piece to your bro!

For your birthday night you chose Mexican for your birthday palate. But first you and your teammates needed to load up on cupcakes at practice. Why not, right? 

Happy 7th Birthday to my man of the house. To the boy who gave me the greatest title raise in the world, Momma. To the boy who I know will go so far in life and I can’t wait to watch and live in this incredible journey that you are on. 

I love you to the moon and back…even when you can't see me...always and forever



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