Today, the SC McIlwee trio arrived to kick start the weekend wedding festivities with a dinner at Ahma & Grandaddy's.
Bax introducing Princess Ellie to Wolverine over pink mega blocks.
Bry, how I wish I could go back to when we were four and six. I would have done so many things differently. Especially all those times I stretched the truth with how I got hurt and you ended up being the one in trouble waiting for dad to get the times have changed and I am now the one waiting for you to get home. You have no idea how much I cherish watching the boys playing football with you in the front yard. Watching your daughter watch you grill dinner with the guys from the sunroom window was, well, sweet. There is not a better word to describe it.
As we left, I knew that the next few days would be consumed with lots of family and friends and very little one one one time with the boys. Even though I thanked my mother (and thank you 1000X over, mom) for the dinner tonight and the ability to just be, I knew that it was indeed Thursday night. Our night. So instead of turning right to go home, we headed left out of the subdivision to be silly. Get sprinkles on ice cream. Put a spoon on our nose. Drop German double melted chocolate on our shirts. And talk to the fellow ice cream lovers on a perfectly perfect October night.
With that...let the wedding festivities begin!!!