We have...BUTTERFLIES!!!

The boys received a Live Butterfly Garden for Easter and over the past two weeks we have watched the butterflies start from tiny caterpillars to coming home tonight to six butterflies that we released. I have to admit that I was a bit "weirded out" by having insects on my kitchen counter for the past two weeks, but watching the process actually got me quite enthralled.

This is what they received. After about 10 days, the caterpillars had attached themselves upside down on the lid and formed a chrysalide where I had to move them into their mesh "habitat."

Monday morning I left for work to six Chrysalids in the pop up tent and had to go out of town for work overnight. When the boys and I got home tonight, we had five butterflies and one that we literally watched crack out of the shell and become a painted Lady butterfly that flew away. It was so exciting.


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