A Day at the Dentist!!

Today the boys had dentist appointments with Dr. Anna-Maria Boggs who is a pediatric dentist in Harrisonburg. Tripp had his very first appointment with her six months ago and when I mentioned that I had a 2 year old, she said bring him next time. The earlier the better to get them used to going to the dentist. So off we went...

The entire week we had been talking about the dentist, how Tripp was going to go first and show Baxter how it's done. So when we're in the waiting room and the technician called for Tripp, we all got up to go with him. She looked at me, looked at Baxter, and looked at Tripp and said, "Well, we don't do it that way. He goes by himself."

I wish I could have had a camera on my face because I was letting my four year old go back in a room by himself. Yes, I know he is a very capable four year old, but I am not a capable 29 year old mother letting go of my kids on their own!!!!

Shortly thereafter Baxter was called back and luckily we were put in the room beside Tripp. The doors were open and the walls were thin, so Baxter said, "I hear Trippy boy!!" Tripp yells out to his little brother, best friend, and says, "Open your mouth wide Baxter and you'll get a treat!!"

Just like I was one proud momma six months ago for Tripp's first dentist appointment, Baxter passed with flying colors. Both boys got a whopping 10 out of 10 on their brushing and afterwards we went to the store to get a "treat" for good brushing and behavior.

Of course, there is not a moment where I am not with my camera taking pictures to document every step of the way.

Tripp came in at the end to show his pearly whites!!

Baxter chose a pink fairy princess tennis set as his treat!!


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