Eight Months Already

Baxter, how can you be 8 months old already?? You are the sweetest thing I have ever met. You have forever stolen my heart.

This morning you weighed in at 19 lbs. 4 ounces and have 1 1/2 teeth! Yes, that second one is so close to popping right through your gums. Your favorite food is by far cheerios. I think you would eat them all day long. You still take 3 naps a day and go down at night around 7 pm. I unfortunately have trained your brain to wake you up at 5:45 for your first drink of the day, but you are so good about going back to sleep until your brother wakes the house up around 7-7:30 which allows your momma to get ready for work. You are still taking three 8 oz. bottles of momma's milk at Mrs. Janieh's but have upped the food intake to some yogurt in the morning, a jar of fruit, and a jar of veggies. You are starting to pull yourself up on everything. We try to put you on the floor and you just stick those legs straight so you can stand, not sit! Your crawl is getting faster, especially when you see something you want. Your brother still makes you smile the most. You love to pat your hand over your mouth to make lots of noise. You sometimes let us hear your loudest scream, like you did at church on Sunday. I think you will love music as much as your brother does. You just bounce and bounce and bounce to music. You are starting to look for your mommy and daddy if someone else is holding you. You have become attached to your night night like your brother has/did. I can't wait to see what this next month will bring in milestones for you.

I love you so much Baxter. Happy Eight Months!!


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