Keeping Up With the Paynters
We have officially completed our first month of school at Agnor Hurt. The boys started an 8 week karate class on Wednesdays and Tripp is in a running camp on Thursdays.
Baxter has been selected as star of the week for the school and both have been working nightly on their Valentines cards for their upcoming parties next week. Everyone needs to give his or herself a valentine. Right, Bax?!
Some live for the weekends, I live for Thursday nights with these two guys...
After work and school we headed downtown to score a few things from toys at Alakazam, a perfect little baby gift for a perfect baby girl at Petit Bebe, and a little snack from The Flat consisting of warm Nutella & fresh strawberries wrapped up in a heavenly crepe!
Was it good, Bax?!?
I didn't need to travel to Denmark to find a prince, I have two right here!
After fueling up we got our sillies and stressors out at kidsercise and a few miles on our legs before bellying up to the bar at Burton's for the opening ceremony. Unfortunately for us, no opening ceremony but company, conversation, and consumption all received a gold medal!