Tree House Savings Club Newest Members
Lately when the boys have been over at Ahma & Granddaddy's they have been busy in their "office" rolling coins into the appropriate wrappers. Tonight, the boys got an extra special early Valentine's gift from Ahma & Granddaddy by setting them up a savings account in Woodstock with all the money they rolled. What lucky little guys. I told them that on Thursday they can take me to the cafe for our date night and pay! Of course my grand idea was shot down in a umi minute.
The coin machine. Ahma told me that Baxter said, "This is the most awesomest thing EVER!"
Baxter signing his papers!
Each lucky little boy is starting out their account with $71.18!!
Thank you so much Ahma and Granddaddy for instilling the importance of saving with the boys the same way you did with me.