Sounds like a good excuse to get pictures

Sunday is Easter, so why not get pics? Sounds good to me.

"Boys, how would you like to be dragged to the mall, change clothes, wait forever for the photographer, and stand there a look like little angels? Then wait 15 minutes for the photos to upload, change your clothes, wait patiently while mommy looks through the photos while I feed you bags of fruit snacks, and then we'll go get dinner? Deal?"

It's torture getting their pictures taken. Tripp is (I guess I should say he's been of the age for over a year now) that he HATES getting his pictures taken. But he knows there is a great playground at the mall and I totally use it for bribery to get pictures of the boys. Baxter just wants mommy. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" All in different tones of voice. Over and over and over.

I walk in and tell the photographer, this is going to take five minutes. He or she looks at me like, really? Yes, five minutes. "Change of clothes?" NO! "Props?" NO! "Background change?" NO! Just keep taking pics of whatever they do and we'll be done in 5. Capisce? Capisce! But we did it. We got two decent pics of the boys.

Here they are!!! My favorite subjects of all time!

Tripp at 3 years and 5 months

Baxter at 1 year 5 months


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