Happy Birthday Tripp!!!

How is it that you are three years old today? Last night as we were tucking you in, we told the story of the night before you were born and how I thought something was wrong and your daddy, the coach that he is, tried to convince me that I was paranoid and everything was going to be fine. That night I wrote a note on my alarm clock (Alarm clock...what is that? I haven't had to use one of those in 3 years!) to call the doc in the morning. That morning, cold and rainy, just like today, I went to the hospital only because that is where my midwife was getting ready for an induction, only to be there for about a half an hour before the doctor and midwife told me "We're going to have a baby!" Today I tried to cradle you in my arms like I did that very morning and I cannot begin to tell you how very proud of the young man that you have become. Your manners are unbelievable. You say please with almost every sentence and about 75% of the time you tell us Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am, Yes Sir, No Sir. You will start preschool on Monday and I know you will do fantastic. You are such a great big brother. You love to make Baxter laugh. You love music and love dancing even more. I love your love for books. My favorite thing to do with you and Baxter is to go to Barnes and Noble. Yes, so I can get a great cup of coffee, but also so you can play with the train table and we your done with the train table, you bring me book after book for me to read to you. You love to "hide" from daddy and I. You make a "house" out of almost anything. It's been roller coaster ride for the past 3 years and I never want to get off the ride! I love you so much Tripp. You may frustrate me at times, but you are supposed to. You are a three year old boy who is learning new things every single day and I have to remind myself of that at times. I can't wait to see what the 3's bring for you. Happy Birthday my love.


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