Yes! I said, "YES!"

No, he didn't go to Jared, but he got down on one knee and put the ring on. The date has been set, the church has been booked, and the dress has been purchased. And because I love a fall wedding and the color chocolate looks fabulous on me, I had no other choice than to say, "YES! Can I plan the shower and bachelorette party?!"

Just when I thought that tonight was going to be about Jen and celebrating her birthday, she wasn't the only one surprised with something slammed in her face. After she cleaned up, the tables were turned and she surprised me.

She reached in her purse and handed me a card on her birthday celebration.

With a tear in my eye, I was honored to say yes. Jen, is, and always will be, the closest thing to a, ahem, older sister to me. Yes, if we count half birthdays, we do count the four months, six days, two hours and forty nine minutes older! We grew up side by side from day one until we moved in town at 15. We were inseparable. Oh yea, I got some good stories for that speech, Jen! Just you wait!!

After I realized what she had just asked me and what I had agreed to, I looked at her and said, "Woman, you do know that we have less than six months, right?" So the planning is on. Apparently I was born for parties in October.

So let us raise our glasses to J & J and wedding planning.


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