Sunday Family Funday

Today we got the heck out of Dodge and headed north for a jammed packed day. Tripp is growing like a weed, so we took advantage of some deals at the Town Center while the stores are preparing for that early spring that Phil the Groundhog predicted. Then the boys got all their energy out at the little gym until we refueled and restocked the cabinets at Wegmans!
"Cheers" to multi-tasking! Grocery shopping and lunch at once!

How do you define success? Mine is still being able to wear my six year old out from a day of shopping! The only reason he is wearing this tie is because Bax got a tie and opposite of Tripp, his bro is doing the same thing he is doing. Just add snoring and drooling!

Most importantly we got in a visit with Great Granddaddy. They both made him Valentine's for his room. Even at 90 1/2 (and at 90 the half even counts), he is still so sharp. He was resting when we showed up and as I put my hand on his, he opened his eyes and said, "Well hey there Amy."

When we got home tonight and I got dinner ready, Tripp did his homework and Baxter wrote Great Granddaddy a letter.

We have mastered the spelling word, "Hope" in the Pre-K class, but we are also keeping the hope that Great Granddaddy does fight off this recurring pneumonia, gets to go home to the farm, and as Baxter said tonight, "Get's to eat his chocolate candy again."


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