Thank you, Tripp & Baxter

Today, I celebrate my 6th year as a mother. Seven if you count the 9 months that Tripp was practicing his back stroke in utero. It's 8:46 pm, all is quiet in the house except for the familiar sound of the refridgerator and I can't help but reflect on this past weekend with them as well as how incredibly fast the past six years have gone. Tripp & Baxter, I cannot thank you enough for the most important role that you will ever give me. To be your mother. I watched you two in aww this weekend as you, Tripp, walked down the aisle carrying the rings, and as you both looked over your new baby cousin, Ellie. Tripp, you are going to be my athlete. I watched you play football with your Uncle Bryan, and it amazed me how you could catch the football with such perfect form. If Bryan dared you to run the length of the backyard in 10 seconds, you ran it in 9. You are going to go fast, strong, and hard my son and I am going to be there on the sidelines the entire way, being your biggest fan. Baxter, you are such a lover. You tell me a hundred times a day, in a yell, in a whisper, with a hug, or just because, that you love me. And buddy, I love you so much, too. You melt my heart with your love for life and cell phones and calculators. You love to be clean and your life to be clean just like your momma. You have a place for everything just like me and for that I am so greatful! You make my job at home that much easier. Boys, just like I say to you every night as I kiss you goodnight and turn on your night lights, "I love you to the moon and back and even when you can't see me...I love you AAAALLLLLLL that time!" Thank you for the greatest gift you could ever get me, motherhood. I promise you that I will get upset and that I will yell when you do something that I don't agree with or that upsets me, but that does not in any way, make me love you any less. If anything, it reminds me that you are human, not my robot and that we all make mistakes and the pure innocence of living and learning is there...even as a mother. So raise your sippy cups and say "Cheers," to many more mother's day celebrations together!


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