"What's This?"
Searching for ants
It wasn't that long ago that Greg, Tripp, and I spent a week with our niece and nephew, Adeline & Bayden, and heard, "Why?" after "Why?" after "Why?" Well, for about a week now, Tripp's new thing is a wide mouth with wide eyes expression while pointing saying, "What's this?" I have to say that it is the cutest thing. This morning as we were walking into Miss Nay nay's house, Tripp looked down at the ground and saw the tiny ants scurrying along the sidewalk. He stopped, pointed, and looked up at me with his mouth in a big "Oh" position and wide eyes, and said, "What's this?" I said, "They're ants honey." He said, "Oh" like he got it or something and jumped over them and ran a couple of feet and stopped at the flowers and said, "What's this?" I said, "They're flowers honey, you can smell them." He proceeded to "blow" on them (that's how he smells :) ) Oh, so small and innocent in such a big, big world. I just love it.